Vladimir A. Bratov, Senior Researcher

PositionSenior research fellow (IPME RAS), Associate professor (St. Petersburg State University)

Academic Degree

PhD in Physics and Mathematics

EducationSt. Petersburg State University, 2000

Research InterestsDynamic fracture of solids, optical microscopy, digital image processing, transient problems in mechanics, computational mechanics and finite element method.
Selected Publications 
  1. V. Bratov, Y. Petrov. Evaluation of energy saving operational modes for industrial fracture connected processes on the basis of incubation time fracture criterion. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2009, 14:476–482.
  2. V. Bratov, N. Morozov, Y. Petrov. Dynamic Strength of Continuum. 2009, St.-Petersburg University Press.
  3. Bratov VA, Morozov NF, Petrov YV, Simulating the SMART1 orbiter impact on the Moon's surface, DOKLADY PHYSICS, 2008, 53(3):152-155.
  4. Bratov, V.; Isakov, L., Petrov, Y, A Criterion for Detonation Initiation in Gas Mixtures, DOKLADY PHYSICS, 2008,53(10):507-509.
  5. Bratov V., Petrov Y. Optimizing energy input for fracture by analysis of the energy required to initiate dynamic mode I crack growth// International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2007, 44:2371-2380.
  6. Bratov V., Petrov Y. Application of incubation time approach to simulate dynamic crack propagation// International Journal of Fracture. 2007, 146:53-60.
  7. Bratov VA, Petrov YV, Application of the incubation time criterion to the description of dynamic crack propagation, DOKLADY PHYSICS, 2007, 52(10):565-567.
  8. Bratov VA, Gruzdkov AA, Krivosheev SI, Petrov YV, Energy balance in the crack growth initiation under pulsed-load condition,s DOKLADY PHYSICS, 2004, 49(5):338.