Elijah N. Borodin, Senior Researcher

Position2012 - present 
Senior research fellow (IPME RAS)

2009 - present Senior research fellow Chelyabinsk State University

Academic Degree

PhD in Physics and Mathematics

Education2004-2010 Southern Ural State University

Master of applyed mathematics and physics, Applyed mathematics and physics

2010-2012 Chelyabinsk State University

Ph.D., Theoretical physics

Research InterestsStructural models of high strain rate plasticity and severe plastic deformation of metals: dislocation plasticity, mechanical twinning, grain boundary sliding, dynamic recrystallization;
Dynamical effects behind the shock wave front and dynamic yield strength of metals and alloys;
Physical interpretation of the mechanical models of plasticity. Dynamical models of plasticity;
Plasticity mechanisms of the human teeth dentin.
Selected Publications 
  • E.N. Borodin, S. Seyedkavoosi, D.V. Zaitsev, B. Drach, K.N. Mikaelyan, P.E. Panfilov, M.Yu. Gutkin, I. Sevostianov: Viscoelasticity and mechanisms of plasticity of human teeth dentin. Physics of the Solid State 60(1) (2018) 118-126.
  • E.N. Borodin, A.K. Abramyan: The problem of uncertainty of strength parameters for numerical simulation of dynamical limestone fracture. Computational Continuum Mechanics (2017)
  • E.N. Borodin, A.E. Mayer: Influence of structure of grain boundaries and size distribution of grains on the yield strength at quasistatic and dynamical loading. Material Research Express 4(8) (2017) 085040.
  • E.N. Borodin, M. Yu. Gutkin, K.N. Mikaelyan, P. Panfilov: Theoretical model of the plastic zone at the I-mode crack tip in dentin. Scripta Materialia 133(5) (2017) 45-48. DOI:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2017.02.007
  • N. Selyutina, E.N. Borodin, Y. Petrov, A.E. Mayer: The definition of characteristic times of plastic relaxation by dislocation slip and grain boundary sliding in copper and nickel. International Journal of Plasticity 02/2016; 82., DOI:10.1016/j.ijplas.2016.02.004
  • E.N. Borodin, A.E. Mayer: Theoretical interpretation of abnormal ultrafine-grained material deformation dynamics. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 02/2016; 24(2):025013., DOI:10.1088/0965-0393/24/2/025013
  • E.N. Borodin, A.E. Mayer: Energy approach to kinetics equations for dislocations and twins and its application for high strain rate collision problems. Journal of Physics Conference Series 11/2015; 653(1):012042., DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/653/1/012042
  • E.N. Borodin, A.E. Mayer: Structural model of mechanical twinning and its application for modeling of the severe plastic deformation of copper rods in Taylor impact tests. International Journal of Plasticity 06/2015; 74:141-157., DOI:10.1016/j.ijplas.2015.06.006
  • V. Bratov, E.N. Borodin: Comparison of dislocation density based approaches for prediction of defect structure evolution in aluminium and copper processed by ECAP. Materials Science and Engineering A 03/2015; 631:10-17., DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2015.02.019
  • Yu.V. Petrov, E.N. Borodin: Relaxation Mechanism of Plastic Deformation and Its Justification Using the Example of the Sharp Yield Point Phenomenon in Whiskers. Physics of the Solid State 02/2015; 57(2):353–359., DOI:10.1134/S1063783415020286
  • A.E. Mayer, E.N. Borodin: Kinetic model for mechanical twinning and its application for intensive loading of metals. The European Physical Journal Conferences 01/2015; 94:04041., DOI:10.1051/epjconf/20159404041
  • E.N. Borodin, A.E. Mayer, Yu.V. Petrov, A.A. Gruzdkov: Maximum Yield Strength under Quasi-Static and High-Rate Plastic Deformation of Metals. Physics of the Solid State 11/2014; 56(12):2470-2479., DOI:10.1134/S1063783414120051
  • A.E. Mayer, E.N. Borodin, V.S. Krasnikov, P.N. Mayer: Numerical modelling of physical processes and structural changes in metals under intensive irradiation with use of CRS code: Dislocations, twinning, evaporation and stress waves. Journal of Physics Conference Series 11/2014; 552(1):012002., DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/552/1/012002
  • E.N. Borodin, Yu.V. Petrov: Relaxation model of dynamic plastic deformation of materials. Mechanics of Solids 11/2014; 49(6):635-642., DOI:10.3103/S0025654414060041
  • E.N. Borodin, S.A. Atroshenko, A.E. Mayer: Distribution of dislocations and twins in copper and 18Cr-10Ni-Ti steel under shock-wave loading. Technical Physics 08/2014; 59(8):1163-1170., DOI:10.1134/S1063784214080076
  • A.E. Mayer, E.N. Borodin, P.N. Mayer: Localization of plastic flow at high-rate simple shear. International Journal of Plasticity 12/2013; 51:188–199., DOI:10.1016/j.ijplas.2013.05.005;
  • E.N. Borodin, A.E. Mayer: Localization of plastic flow at dynamic channel angular pressing. Technical Physics 08/2013; 58(8):1159-1163., DOI:10.1134/S1063784213080070
  • E.N. Borodin, A.E. Mayer: Yield strength of nanocrystalline materials under high-rate plastic deformation. Physics of the Solid State 04/2012; 54(4)., DOI:10.1134/S1063783412040038
  • E.N. Borodin, A.E. Mayer, V. S. Krasnikov: Wave attenuation in microcrystal copper at irradiation by a powerful electron beam. Current Applied Physics 11/2011; 11(6):1315-1318., DOI:10.1016/j.cap.2011.03.062
  • E.N. Borodin, A.E. Mayer: A simple mechanical model for grain boundary sliding in nanocrystalline metals. Materials Science and Engineering A 01/2011; 532., DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2011.10.086